The Dark Half

This week, I’ve decided to do a flash fiction challenge. It’s created by the amazingly creative Chuck Wendig, who’s asked us to put a spin on titles of Stephen King’s books. Now, I absolutely adore Mr. King, so of course I jumped at this challenge. What we basically have to do is steal the title, but not the story. His title, my story. Without further ado, let’s grab a snack and get into it.

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Two lovers, separated by evil Fate

Who spins their destinies with black and white threads,

She’s determined to keep the twains apart

Fate, the witch with the stony heart.


But Love triumphs over Fate, ties some threads together

Intertwining the lovers’ destinies forever,

These knots then become dusk and dawn

A rendezvous for the couple is drawn.


They see each other just twice a day

Stealing a few moments from time away,

The inamorata’s dark, the inamorato’s bright,

They’re masters of the sky- Day and Night.


At dawn he comes to meet his lady-love

Reaching out to the darkness above,

He caresses her black wings with his shiny fingers

They embrace and pull away,

But the effect still lingers.


They converse in voices too deep to hear

The epilogue for their date is drawing near,

She doesn’t want to leave his arms; he doesn’t want to let her go,

But he has to abandon her now and let himself grow.


She goes away slowly, looking at Day all the while

Her longing eyes look like cinders, reflecting his youthful shine,

Finally he takes over the wide blue yonder

Waking everyone up from their deep slumber.


In the morn he’s cheerful, a he just met Night

But noon is when he puts up a fight,

The wait for Night gets unbearable

Day’s foul mood becomes almost incurable.


Then dusk arrives, bringing her in a star-laden dress

Day almost falls, seeing the beauty of his mistress,

She steadies him, gives him a lingering kiss

She knows she’ll be alone soon after this.


They look a moment longer into each other’s eyes

Reluctantly, she lets him go, as dusk slowly dies,

His last words, just like him, fade away,

His promise to meet her at dawn the next day.


Night lets out a long sigh

And opens her dark wings over the skies,

She lulls the world to sleep

In her beautiful voice, rich and deep.


At midnight, she silently blesses Love

For finding loopholes in Fate’s handiwork,

Then she settles in as time slowly passes away

As she waits for another dawn,

Another heavenly tryst with day.